After years of looking around the Web for places to go every morning over a cup of coffee, I decided to build this website, and by doing so, create a place for the other 7 billion humans to visit now and again.
This website was launched in December of 2010 and as you can see there have been over 1,000 visitors. The content is attributed to XOQ and a few folks have asked me who/what is XOQ?
Here is a "sort-of-simple" answer.
One day I was driving home from work, and as I often do, I was thinking about discovering or creating something new. I always hoped I might think of something that no one ever had thought of before.
That day, I decided it would be fun to create a new word and to see if that would lead me down a new road of discovery/creation. I remembered that one of my Wharton Professors told us in a marketing class about how the word Kodak was created. The founders of that film company knew from marketing research that the "k" sound attracts humans and is memorable. So I decided my new word had to include that sound.
By the time I got home and turned on my computer, I was playing with 3 letter words with k's, q's, and hard c's. I started Googling these words until I came up with one that brought back limited results. XOQ seemed to only appear as part of some software coding and as the last name of one or two people on Facebook. XOQ was my new word!
I had dinner with my son that week and we started playing with big XOQ and little xoq and came up with some great imagery and fascinating info that cemented in my mind that XOQ was interesting, cool, different and the perfect platform for me to move forward.
Lots of the early creation of the XOQ world can be found at a BETA website I created using free Wix software (you need Flash to view it.) Click here to be transported to that information about XOQ
I am fascinated by the connection we have in our DNA and that we probably have the same original ancestor pair of male/female humans. We are linked-in to the chain of humans and more of our kind need to "step up" before humans become extinct.
When you consider the billions of years that this planet has sustained some kind of life, humans have only dominated for a few brief "moments" of that total time. We are on a very slippery slope lined with the slime of greed and fear. Are you doing your share to create change? Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
When you consider the billions of years that this planet has sustained some kind of life, humans have only dominated for a few brief "moments" of that total time. We are on a very slippery slope lined with the slime of greed and fear. Are you doing your share to create change? Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
When was the last time you did something to pay it forward? PIF (pay it forward) is the simplest way to impact the future. Be part of the chain of events that has humans choose the correct fork in the road ahead. It is never too late.
To read more about the efforts of friends of XOQ click here to be transported to a new project that will celebrate the 7 billionth human in 2012
To read more about the efforts of friends of XOQ click here to be transported to a new project that will celebrate the 7 billionth human in 2012