This is my "2012 - A Year in Review." Bending my mind around what I'd like to be analyzing in the rear view mirror on 12/22/12 is an opportunity to look ahead and consider the part I might play in creating change.
1. During the 2012 Holiday season, thousands of friends, family, and strangers have purchased 5,000 copies of my new kids book "Uncle XOQ".
2. Barrack Obama has been re-elected and the Democrats have won back the House.
3. The earthquakes in SoCal, South America, and Italy, the tsunami in the Philippines, and the volcano in Iceland have killed 116,000 and has scared 7 billion humans into realizing who's the boss = Earth.
4. Apple's newest game changer has sold 50 million units in 3 months. Mine is permanently imbedded behind my ear.
5. My employer caught me recording my work day through the mini-cam I had pinned to my apron. I was streaming live 24-7 on my website. I negotiated a settlement; instead of firing me, they have agreed to accept my offer of providing one year of free training to all SoCal employees. My workshops increase individual productivity if a corporation commits 5 hours per week for each worker to focus on their well-being through exercise and education about diet, healthcare, communication, and relationship skills.
In addition, I am keeping my eyes wide open about the inevitability of all of the following if we do not continue to protest against the deceit, corruption, and manipulation of corporations and governments worldwide.
*"Crop contamination leads to world food crisis
Honeybee population collapse spreads to other species
As deadly superbug mutation goes wild
EPA pressured to regulate pharmaceuticals in the water supply
Terrorist strike on the U.S. water supply
Evidence links vaccines and neurological disorders
Vaccine industry goes all in with new vaccines for all sorts of 'diseases'
While the medical industry claims to find cause of autism
Scandal implicates major pharmaceutical company in scientific fraud
Medical imaging scandal unfolds as older patients begin to show serious health damage from radiation via mammograms and CT scans
Nursing home drugging scandal exposed
War on health freedom ramps up, targeting raw milk, homeopathy, and herbs
Satellites breakdown
U.S. power gird suffers catastrophic failure
Weather patterns become increasingly radicalized
Nuclear weapons unleashed in the Middle East
U.S. debt gets downgraded world investors slash purchases of U.S. debt
U.S. plans military conflict with China over natural resources
China unleashes an army of corporate espionage hackers into western nations
Cell phone brain tumors start to appear in younger usersThe world becomes a far more dangerous place for honest citizens"*
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