Friday, December 20, 2013

2013 in Review

2013 is ending in a way that has caused me to indefinitely postpone our January 9, 2014 "Gathering". 

Here's why:

1. My online history Prof suggests humans beings as we know "us" will no longer exist within as soon as 100 years. Yes!

2. Amazon will "best" my model of the future of retail, by not merging with UPS, but by delivering packages with drone 'copters by 2016. Winning!

3. Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap company serves as a positive model for 21st century corporations by always making great products and being conscious for 75 years. Their annual giving has lead the march toward legalizing retail marijuana in Colorado as of 1/1/14.

4. My sister will save $500 per month on her health care premiums for her family because of the Affordable Care Act, no matter how much the Republicans want to quash it by ridiculing it and naming after the President.

5. The Seattle Seahawks are tantalizing us with the prospect with 3 more wins they will be in the Super Bowl.

6. My cow valve has extended my life indefinitely. I am now part of the solution in #1.

7. Partying on North Way has become a staple.

8. My list of friends has again expanded in 2013, my relationship with my sister and 2 half-brothers is stronger than ever, and Elley and I are very happy in our little bungalow in O'side. Who knew??

9. Nothing makes a Dad feel more warm and happy than to have his son land a job, fall in love, create a home, then on top of that get a promotion and a raise all in the same year; 2013.

10. There is no need to get together in early 2014 to discuss writing a book that would lay out a path to a better future, when the place I am at now could not be any better! 

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will never arrive; Viva Today!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Full Moon

My 62nd birthday, next week on the 17th, happens to coincide with the full moon. If I can talk Elley into hanging out with me, we'll sit around our new firepit and and stare at the night sky. We have an eastern view of Palomar if we can elevate about 6 feet over the neighbors fence and with a little vape we can accomplish that feat.

At the end of 2013, there are major changes occurring back in NYC. It is the natural progression of life, but always emotional, stressful, and filled with family stuff that is tense. We are going to work through it, as I stay centered being thankful that I have found peace through logic, truth, honesty, and learning from my parents and my own mistakes.

All this leads me to my main focus of this year in which I had my aorta valve replaced and missed 2 months of work. I didn't really skip a beat because I have always taken good care of myself. Moderate exercise, a decent diet, and a positive spirit, combined with integrity and accountability, make getting through health emergencies and personal emergencies easier .

The course I was following online has reached its climatic conclusion and you may be interested to know that my Prof believes that within 100 years homo sapiens will be gone. But what he projects will replace our very imperfect species is a biologically and genetically modified super being.

 This gives me great hope that the advanced brains of the beings that are about to sprout among us, and leave us behind, are being born of the science in our lifetime. The research and accomplishments in medicine are leading the way to better memory (out of the eventual cure for Alzheimer's) greater strength and vitality (see human growth hormones) and longer life (the real fountain of youth in our DNA string).

I leave 2013 feeling better about the lives of my yet to be born grandchildren. No pressure on the boy, just hopes and dreams!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mega Millions

OK.  We'll do it your way!  We'll do it your way!

Are your prepared to give up what you believe, if I can replace it with something worth believing in?

Gathering: January 9, 2014.  My house. 

Now, if you can get your head around that number (2014) and realize what year it is, then we need to talk.

What are we going to do in 2014?

Well, I am glad you asked!

Come to the meeting.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Hunger Games

Edward Deming was instrumental in the Japanese industrial rebirth after WWII. His main directive was: "the first step is transformation of the individual .... they will perceive new meaning in events, numbers, and interactions between people." 
Why is this significant? It serves to emphasize how long it has been since Deming lead a revolution in the work place, by understanding the importance of the evolution of the individual. Unfortunately, too many huge companies have not gotten on board.

This fact came flying at me last night from Elley, when son Casey told us about his promotion and raise at work. Aspire created a new position for Casey. In less than a year, his Director has quickly realized Casey's value, skills, perspective and instincts, and how is inter-disciplinary insight will help build and maintain a stronger company core, with a better, healthier work environment.  

How does Deming's legacy tie into my world in 2013?  During my years in the Bay area and the Seattle suburbs, 1977-2004, my community of friends included many who embraced the transformation of SELF as the key to a more "successful" quality of life. Some of these friends were even hired by Boeing to introduce this philosophy to change their corporate culture. 

My peeps understand that personal transformation is the key step to being a better parent, worker, and friend. I was un-initiated about working for a large corporation until 2004, and unaware of Deming's detailed works and success until now. 

My experience at work and in community, has vastly changed and expanded in this millenium. This week, I have been reading Deming's instructions to companies about how to avoid the "Seven Deadly Diseases" of business. I am realizing for the first time how critical his work has been in the manifestation of the new, healthy, successful corporate environments at Google, Wegmens, and Edward Jones.

Unfortunately, many companies who employee a significant number of Americans still don't grasp how to build a healthy future for everyone involved with their brand. They are committing many of the "Seven Deadly Sins" because their absolute focus is the almighty dollar. They make daily decisions, and change directions quarterly, in response to the value of their stock price instead of the long term health of their corporate culture.

Here are some of Deming's "Seven Deadly Sins" being made by the greedy upper managers in these companies:

1. Lack of constancy of purpose
2. Emphasis on short-term profit
3. Evaluation by annual review of performance
4. Running a company on visible figures alone
5. Seeking examples to follow rather than developing solutions
6. Excuses, such as "our problems are different"
7. Placing blame on work forces who are only responsible for 15% of mistakes, where the system designed by management is responsible for 85% of the unintended consequences.

So why, you might ask, is this tied to "The Hunger Games." If you saw the movie or read the book, it's obvious. The crazy thing is that this fictional portrayal is playing out in reality as employees in the companies committing these sins are literally going hungry. Sure they can eat cheap fast food at the wages they are earning, and yes they can even shop for almost anything at the dollar store. But the quality of products they are bringing home to their families is the major cause of the physical and psychology dis-ease impacting our society, our economy, and the health of the citizens. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse

During the third week of October, I drove 1/4 of a mile west from work during lunch to see if there were any houses for rent in Costa Serena, the 55 and over subdivision I drove by everyday on my way to work on Vista Way.  Surprisingly, there were 3 houses for rent, and in a blink of an eye, we now live in the best of the 3.

Yup!  On a whim in mid October, we manifested our new little home on North Way, hired a moving company to help us get our stuff over here, and now we have a garage, 1 and 1/2 baths, 2 bedrooms and a bonus room; and a nice backyard. Lola is so happy!

That first day, we called about this house, but then the next day, my tenants in Borrego gave us notice that they were moving. After tossing and turning overnight, I told Elley we should skip the viewing.

Then I rented my Borrego condo for one year and the next day, I went back to Costa Serena during my lunch break and found Anna's house in the cul-de-sac. We attempted to negotiate with her about the rent, and at first it went well. But we realized at the day of signing the lease that there were too many people advising her about the lease and terms, and we needed to back away.

So we called Dorene who still had not rented her house on the corner and made her an offer she couldn't refuse. (Who wouldn't want to rent to 2 of the superstar HD seniors!)  Then the ball started rolling down hill really fast, and the next thing we knew we were in our new home.

As soon as we finish unpacking, get the backyard set up and hang the art work, we will have a home warming.  I can't wait to see all my SoCal friends in one place!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The San Diego Zoo

During lunch at "Albert's" in the heart of the San Diego Zoo, Dana, Jud, and I conversed about a shared experience on the west coast. It is difficult to make new, meaningful connections with people when you take a new job and/or move to a new city out here. 

East Coast Folks (ECF) are more passionate about what they do. At work, ECF make a commitment and invest in their career and strive to advance in their company or industry. At play, or when pursuing a hobby, or cultivating an interest in wine, art, or books, ECF take a more intense approach to most things.

Its been my experience that West Coast Natives (WCN) have a single mindedness that is all about themselves. They won't miss their routines at the gym, because for many in the land of sunshine, it's all about the way you look. They'll spend hours in an aesthetician's studio getting waxed, hair colored, nails and toes beautified, and teeth whitened. But will they organize a company's after work happy hour to rub elbows with and get to know the people in the other cubicles? Not so much.

In the past couple of years, I have shared with you my journey to overcome this obstacle in my life in Oceanside. I have bonded with at least 7 people, making several new, "real" friends, since I first complained about this truth. It is interesting to note that 5 are also East Coast transplants, or have a significant east coast influence in their lives. (The other 2 will one day be part of a different Blog Post.)

Jud has traveled extensively, but has lived in NY throughout. He was very surprised to hear this about WCN. He had the impression that the laid back folks living near the Pacific were inclusive and easy to get a long with. 

No doubt, but those qualities are not the stuff of connecting and making new friendships. WCN generally live on the surf-ace of life (surf-ace is my own new creation for this piece; placing an emphasis on how riding waves, skimming the surface of life's experiences, is part of the "west coast condition.")

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hocus Pocus

On my final day before returning to work, I am thinking about the past 3 months. I had envisioned my 8 weeks at home going very slowly and thought I would get bored. But I found a good rhythm after awhile and it has turned out to be a very refreshing time of my life. 

I am here to report that I found lots of mental stimulation. The folks that dropped by were my intelligent, worldly, interesting friends: Cathy, Christian, Richard, Darlyn, Russell, Marvin, Dave, Jonathan and Carol. 

Elley and I discovered well written dramas and comedy entertainment in the evenings. We were able to watch the HBO series Bored to Death, Deadwood, and Carnivale, thanks to Tina's generosity. I also read six fun "vacation" books by the likes of McMurtry, Patterson, and Jance.

The absolute highlight of the summer is the ongoing lecture series I am watching, recommended to me by my friend David T. from New England, called "A Brief History of Humankind" available at  

I could really go off about the truth I find in the content of this expose´ For now I will tell you that Professor Harari delivers the same sledge hammer that I have long believed to be the truth about homo sapiens. We are an intolerant and genocidal creature that has, and continues to destroy all living things, and we will ultimately destroy ourselves.

Why does Robby find this so refreshing?  

For 55 years, starting in the 2nd grade when I ran away from school, I have believed that what is being taught at school, at church/temple, and by our parents, is bullshit. Humans manipulate everything so that they do not have to look in the mirror at their true reflection. We have created economies, foods, drugs, religions, laws, and commit unspeakable atrocities, all the while being blind to the very nature of our evilness. 

Maybe there is an outside chance that humans will wake up in the face of the kind of new information in this free online lecture series. Somehow there might be an explosion of awareness and a shift in our course of destruction. 

If enough people hear my Professor'a lecture, weaving the current science, DNA research, and anthropological findings into the new truths about our origins and our nature, could things change? Will 10% of us become informed enough to stop the other 90% from falling over the cliff we have been marching toward since leaving East Africa a million years ago? 

I end my summer at least knowing that I am not alone in my observation about what has really been happening on Earth the past 70,000 years. I go back to work tomorrow being reassured that I have great friends with whom I share the ongoing ride into the unknown. 

You are invited to join us; there is lots of room on the awareness bus.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer Pops

With less than one week to go before returning to work, I dedicate these summer images to my wonderful girlfriend Elley. She reminded me daily that I should follow Dr.'s orders. But more importantly, she continued to share her love, smile, and The Dawgy Lama with me. 

Here is my summer in pictures:

The Girls

Scribbs Memorial 

Macaroni Grill

Backyard Fountain

Old Towne by Train

The Answers


Southwest Air



Casey and Zoe 

Dave and Toys

Now on Christmas Circle

5 Palms

The Tabacks in OB

Friday, August 16, 2013

15 Minutes of Fame

The image of this toilet is from a video I uploaded to YouTube. Click on the play button in the middle of the image to watch this short out-take from one of our recording sessions.

Who/What/Why Flapper©™?*

I have been working in a home improvement store for 10 years. I have answered thousands of questions ranging from "where is the bathroom?" to "how do I build a deck?" Every now and again, I get a question that stimulates my brain beyond the immediate answer. One day, about 8 months ago a woman walked by me using hand gestures, wondering where to find the replacement for the leaking "thing-y" in the back of her toilet. As I walked her to our plumbing department, I immediately imagined this "flapper" talking about his experiences living in a toilet tank.

This idea would not leave my brain. I shared a description of this image with friends at work and with family. I thought about things my character Flapper might say and asked others to brainstorm with me quips that might come from Flapper.

I imagined how Flapper and friends could share his adventures with the world if the front of the toilet tank was cutaway and he could talk. So I bought a toilet and cut out the front of the tank and set it up in my backyard.

Elley and I have played around with some video, voices and jokes with Flapper, his mute pal Wilson the float ball, and we even have put faces on the toilet seat "Seat" and the toilet paper "TP." We have discovered me are not comedy writers. We can handle the video and the technology around making Flapper and his friends' mouths move, but although we have some funny ideas about what they would say, we struggle with the dialogue.

If you, or anybody you know is a comedian or comedy writer, please have him/her get in touch with me. We all need more laughter and you have to agree that Flapper has an opportunity to be very funny because of his unique view of humans and the human condition.

*Flapper©™, with a capital F, is a character created by Robert "Robby" Hoffman in 2012.  Extensive research on Google and YouTube cannot uncover any previous use of a toilet flapper as a character. I have let it be known that I have a Trademark on Flapper as my character's name and have an exclusive Copyright to use Flapper in video or animated clips, in or outside his natural environment the toilet tank.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Today is 4 weeks since my operation. I am walking everyday, having fun designing a backyard water feature, and working on dialogue for some Flapper©™video shorts. I can feel my ribs and cartilage knitting together along my sternum. NFL = Nap-Friends-Laughter

My days now have a rhythm, including my nap at around 2 pm. I am watching some pre-season football, anticipating another solid year for the 49'ers, Seahawks, Falcons and Saints. These are my favorite teams for a variety of reasons and it is interesting to note that the former and latter pair up as huge rivals.

I have found a couple of new blogs from the recent Time Top 25 list. Tynan and News From ME are well written, stimulating and thought provoking. My idea of interesting "newsie" items includes the success at Tesla Motors and the progress on SpaceX. Elon Musk is also announcing a new transport system that will take passengers from LA to SF in 60 minutes. Shwush!

I'm looking forward to seeing the new movie Elysium. You know me to be a big believer in the truth about the 1%. As society continues to collapse, they will continue to abandon the 99% and seek out higher ground. But the 99% won't take it lying down. Viva La Revolution! (Fantasy! I know the people take to the streets in the movies and in Egypt, but not in America.)

I have plans to take a vacation in the Bay Area in late August for a change of scenery and to assure all family up north that I am whole. Then it's off to Borrego Springs over Labor Day weekend for camping in the stark beauty of the desert.

I return to work on September 9th.  I may get to see two old friends the week before. Alan and Don could be in SD for a hug, a meal and to launch the next 30 years. Beep Beep!

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Waffles is spending the weekend at our pad. Lola likes having Waffles around. He's very cute, curious and entertaining. Dog sitting can  be challenging because our 4 legged visitor isn't used to the sounds around our apartment complex.

But one night of restless sleep with Waffles unable to settle on the right place to lay his head, is offset by the pure joy and smiles he brings us. And, of course, Lola decided the best place to hang out was on Waffles' bed.

Having Waffles around with his positive stimulation is uplifting. We took Waffles with us to spend Saturday evening on a friend's back deck drinking vodka and cranberry juice and feasting on my best BBQ chicken marinated in Anchor Steam, with grilled vegies and sweet potato. We shared interesting, intelligent, progressive conversation and I proclaimed it to be the best I have felt in mind, body and spirit since my operation 3 weeks ago.

Tomorrow we have appointments with my Cardiologist and Surgeon. This is cookie cutter stuff, scheduled 3 weeks out from surgery for a check up. I am healing, walking, eating well, and although I admit to having the challenge of cabin fever and anticipating that the month of August is going to go slowly, it's all good. If you'd like to help make August more fun, give me a call, text or email and let's make a plan.

Monday, July 29, 2013

All you NEED is love

What do I NEED?   Not much.

I NEED my days of recovery to be filled with walking, eating, napping, reading, an occasional phone call, email or visit, and catching up on the best shows from HBO.

Is NEED a good thing?

The dictionary definition of NEED is:  a lack of something essential, desirable, or useful. 

For me, this definition is odd/off. I don't think of NEED as a lack of anything. And I believe the word Essential is very different than the words Desirable or Useful.

Does my realization that I "NEED" things reveal weakness or that I am missing something?  NO ..... what I need is not essential, it is desirable and positive.

But, on the other hand, being NEEDY or Dependent would not feel good to me. 

What I NEED are the things that are uplifting in my life: friends, gatherings, exercise, a dog, healthy food, sunsets, work, writing, art .... this painting reminds me of what I need and want in my life. 

John Lennon wrote the song "All You Need is Love" when asked to write a song with a simple message that would be understood by all humans. Lennon was invested in the power of slogans to unite the world:  Imagine, Give Peace a Chance, Power to the People.

Love is at once simple, complex and universal. It is very primal at its core when it represents the reaction of a newborn to his/her mother.

Without love, humans get lost. I am found. I am surrounded by love; more now that at any other time in my life. I plan to be with my love and share my other needs.

And I want to travel again to more Cafe Biscotto's on the streets of Athens, Paris, Santorini and Asissi.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Basic Instinct

Now that I am home, it is time to reflect on my operation and 5 days in Room 638 at Scripps Memorial. The operation was a success and my recovery was rapid, but there were glitches in some basic bodily functions. That is behind me now, so no details are necessary.

Elley carried the load of communicating with family and friends, keeping them updated on my progress. I can't overstate the appreciation I have for her on so many levels; this can be the most time consuming and stressful part of hospitalization. Repeating over and over answers to the questions: "How is he doing? When can I visit?"  Social media and "texting" have made this a little easier these days; one message can be broadcast to many friends and family at the same time.

I am doing unbelievably well. Visiting Nurse "Jackie" came by yesterday to ask lots of questions for her report to the Docs and insurance company. She was impressed by my vitality, how well my wounds are healing, and we discussed the very few restrictions I have on exercise moving forward. I can do anything I am up for, except reaching, pulling/pushing and lifting. We walked 3/4 mile yesterday after she left.

I attribute the speed of my recovery to 2 things:

#1  My lifelong fitness and diet
#2  The hundreds of people who were sending me support and healing energy.

I know some of you struggle against the need for staying fit and eating right. I've recently heard the philosophy that you should just use up your body and die with nothing left in the tank. Sorry; I am here to say that everyone is going to face at least one major disease or defective body part during their life and I now KNOW more than ever that my philosophy, which includes "you are what you eat," is the best investment I have made over the past 60 years.

My new cow aorta valve and 6 inches of artificial aorta artery are allowing my heart to operate normally for the first time ever. I am getting more oxygen pumped into my bloodstream than at anytime in my life. I have no idea how this major overhaul is going to impact my future, but I know it will be very positive.

Two more things in closing:

#1 Thanks to Casey for flying down from Bezerkeley to take me home from the hospital and being my caregiver and personal assistant for 2 days. It was so good to have him here, and also to talk golf and life as we watched Phil storm to the Open Championship.

#2 Thank YOU for your friendship.

I have reached a good place in my life. In just the past 5 years I have doubled the number of true friends. At the head of that list is of course Elley, and Tina is always sharing from her heart with her keen sense of loyalty, family and tradition.

I am forever grateful and humbled to share this journey of life and adventures with you.

Namaste,    Robby

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I been so many places in my life and times ....

I been so many places in my life and times, sung a lot of songs, made some bad rhymes. I've acted out my life in stages, with 10,000 people watching ......

But I am definitely NOT alone now ...... all these friends, and many more, partied with me Friday with open hearts. Elley and I hung out with Shannae's crew last night in Vista ....... Mack checked in about my recovery ...... Alan's got me covered ......... Marvin has his mojo back and is ready to be my backup surgeon ........ we're giggling with Ann W's friends about Ho Lee Fuck ...... I just found Katie Flood on Facebook ........ life is good.

The day the before the big day has finally arrived. We've been talking about my surgery for many months and with the hiccup last month, and the 6 week delay, it seems way too long. In a blink of an eye tomorrow (since I will be under, it will only be me who will think it's a blink) I will be opened up, turned off, fixed, turned on, and then closed up.

For Elley, it will be a long day, and an even longer week. We have to drive to La Jolla at 5:00 am, and after about an hour and half in prep, she will watch me be rolled toward surgery. I feel for her having to drive back and forth to Oceanside. I hope for light summer traffic at all times. Lola will need her walks, food, cuddles and company, too.

Elley is so positive, strong, enlightened, comforting and ready, willing and able to keep everyone informed at the moment they roll me out to ICU at about 1:30 pm Pacific time. It is so important to have someone so close to you with the same philosophy and mental framework about serious matters. We are in harmony; no drama, just a "let's get it on and let's get through it" attitude.

Recovery will be tedious because of the rib cracking, but with lots of smiles, good music, our favorite British TV shows like Doc Martin, and many friends planning to drop by and visit, it will be OK.

Thank each and everyone of you for sending me your best vibes, in whatever form works for you. I receive all of the great energy and will use it to my benefit tomorrow. It is definitely a TEAM effort of strong will, determination, positivity, belief and faith to accept the challenge at hand.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Man of Steel

This is the most positive thing I have seen or heard in years. A boy who is informed, speaks his mind, takes the time to research, learn, grow, and wants his people/country to evolve. He has used the Internet to find out what is really going on. He has obviously listened to adults around the dinner table, at sidewalk coffee shops, at barbershops, and on street corners argue, rant, and talk about the issues that are tearing his world apart. His has formed his own opinion from a child's perspective. 

I'm not going to dwell on all the young and old people I am exposed to who don't know anything, don't care to learn, don't think about the absolute need for a new direction, don't realize how religion retards human evolution, and how polluting video games and TV are to young peoples' minds. 

I am going to ask you to watch this video and share it with as many people you can. Maybe it will be an inspiration to enough souls on Earth that it will move the human race forward by shaking us out of our collective numbness.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Complaint Department

I have 2 days left at work before an eight week LOA and with the busy-ness created by our improving economy, the human craziness of "The People vs. Home Depot" has escalated. I am a "listen-to-the-problems-customers-have-with-HD-specialist" and the number of people with demands, expectations, and complaints, coupled with the populations more and more rude language, raised voices, and escalated "I am the most important person in the world mentality," this week has been intense.

In the midst of all this, I had to get my Health Insurance administrator and carrier on the phone prior to Monday's surgery to make sure I understand my coverage, what has been approved, planning for my co-pays and out-of-pocket maximums. When I called my HMO to clarify details, they told me that they had no record of my upcoming surgery. WHAT?!&%$  Then I called HealthNet on the special employee health insurance hotline and they said they have given no approval for my surgeon or the hospital stay. Are you freakin' kidding me? #%&#.

Then I called Scripps Hospital to talk to the admitting clerk Angie, who had called me earlier in the week to collect my $300 co-pay before Monday and she reminded me she had an approval code from HealthNet. "But" I said,  "I have an HMO so all approvals have to go through them." "No" she insisted, "your surgeon is not part of your HMO!" "What! I got approval two months ago from my primary care physician's office for Dr. Brewster! I was told everything has to be channeled through them!" Angie said, "No, the approval is direct from HealthNet, let's have a conference call with them." She go them on the line and low and behold it was the same guy I talked to earlier who told me their was no approval.

The good new is that at this point Angie became my advocate. She reminded the guy I was about to have open heart surgery and that I should not have to deal with this stress and ineffectiveness and confusion. She gave him the approval # and he put us on hold and then came back and said, "Oh, I found it, sorry." Trying to maintain my equilibrium, I replied, "Why is Healthnet approving this when the HMO has to approve everything?" "Well" he answered, "it looks like that even though your surgeon is out of network, they gave approval for you to use him at Scripps and your % of responsibility and co-pays will be as published by the HMO."

At this point Angie said, "Please Mr. Hoffman, stay calm so you can make it to Monday. Everything is in order." I hung up on both of them because 3 people were standing at my desk asking for help and 2 phone lines were blinking with more customer complaints: my dryer isn't working, my carpet doesn't match the sample in the store, your contractor is late for our install. One day I would like to remind everyone that unless your brain transplant is delayed because UPS lost the container carrying your new one, you really don't have a problem worth being this upset about!

Don't worry about me, I am breathing while writing this and keeping images of peace and tranquility in my mind's eye through it all.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why Didn't I Name Him ZOK?

I appreciate a well written discourse 
on something familiar to me. 

I get up every morning and follow the same routine: brush teeth, take 2000 mg of Vit. C with a glass of distilled water, stretch, drink coffee, check my email, Facebook and then look for interesting articles on-line. 

You may remember, if you have been reading my Blog for a few years, that I started writing here because I couldn't find enough stimulating reading material on-line. So I decided to write my own.

I always have a book on my bedside table, but my computer links me to current events and new, fresh articles about what is happening right now in the world.

A few friends mostly comment on two things I write about:  

#1.  My negative perspective on humans short-comings

#2.  Why I named the main character in my book "Try on New Hats" Uncle XOQ instead of Uncle ZOK, since most people who look at the word XOQ don't know that it sounds like Spock, Zok, and Clock.

My discovery of the word XOQ is a big part of my exploration into finding the answer to the question: Why do so many people struggle to find their voice?

If you are at all interested in the details of this discovery, click here for a web page I created that explains.

Sharing wisdom, dipping into the past to bring forward the lessons learned through thousands of years of human evolution is passing forward. I want to be part of that action.

I will, in this lifetime, be forever confounded by how few humans have learned from the past, how few realize how stuck they are, and how many are lead around like sheep by religions. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


On July 5, 2013 at 7:30 am, I will be laying on a surgical table inside Scribbs Memorial Hospital in La Jolla. Earlier that morning we will get out of bed in Oceanside and drive down the freeway to put my body in the hands of Dr. Scot Brewster, a graduate of Dartmouth Medical School. 

As the rescheduled date of my surgery rushes toward us, I sip my coffee and think about the ease at which I place my fate in the hands of this stranger and his team. I have met him once, and except for the details of what is wrong with me and how he will fix it, I was given no insight into the days and weeks after surgery. 

I have relied on an article from the internet and a conversation with a woman who happened to be drawing my blood for a pre-op screening, to get some insight into what it will be like to recover. I know, and all friends and family believe I will be OK, fine, better than ever, etc. I will endure the pain, discomfort, and mental challenge as many of you in my extended family have done facing your surgeries, chemo, radiation, injuries, etc.

It is simply what we do: mind over matter .... acceptance and perseverance. Humans have been doing it for thousands of years, through incredible physical and mental trauma caused by disease, accident or war. 

I have invited you to come visit me during my recovery. Eight weeks away from work will require drugs, distractions, walks, and some writing and art projects. I will hunker down during the first week to ten days getting through the worst of the pain. Please do come over to our apartment in Oceanside and hang out with me in the backyard.