Is any other mind filled with this stuff? The brain is a fascinating organ. It wastes lots of energy thinking. It sets expectations and offers tidbits of insight. On the same day it will toss out depressing vibes and positives answers.
Today's theme goes something like this; "if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything." (Attribute the origin of these words and the title of this post to Anonymous sources.) What brings it forward is the opportunity presented by the work of the UCSD Autsim grant team. There are so many aspects of the work; in the Lab breaking down video and observing behavior. In the field, spending hours on simple connections and seeking and finding avenues into the minds and souls of Austictic kids with altered realities.
Stand back and realize this is big work. Literally millions of humans behind the curtain of a brain that is processing differently. Not knowing anything about the truth of this reality and certainly having no experience one on one with Autism, this morning my brain sees the words of Michel de Montaigne: "I know well what I am fleeing from, but not what I am in search of."
How to help reach beneath the surface of a brain functioning so differently? It doesn't matter why a brain is operating in any particular way. Just realizing their are thousands of families seeking ways, pathways into the minds, hearts, and spirits of someone they love. Love brings the desire to nurture, help, embrace, and search for a solutions to a productive life for everyone in your life. What an incredible mountain to climb. What great work to be part of the solution.
Today the task is to help find words, titles, catch phrases, new roads in the a land of the unknown. What you find doesn't depend on what you are looking for; what I am in search of is motivated by what I am fleeing. The brain is an incredibly complicated organ at its best. If some wires are crossed it is a maze with no entrance and even worse, no exit.
Everyone should have toys, tools, stimulation ..... these UCSD Lab people are thinking outside the box (xoq upside down) to find new ways into the brain and soul of an Autistic child. BRAVO!
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