Monday, March 31, 2014

Don't Go There!

go there? wherever you go, there you are. think; did i fool you? where were you going? there? did you think i was going to go off on some dia...rift....shit?

just crankin' the role of being' me wid-week s'all.

where will the week go from here? for sure, i'll be there when it arrives.

did i ever get your attention? don't even go there.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

"Are You Not Entertained?"

A writer's dream ....... bonus time off from work (2 hours midweek feels like forever), my Macbook, beautiful weather, a comfortable chair in the shade of our patio, a creatively landscaped backyard, a bubbling fountain, a rum and coke ..... you get the picture.

A decision to write about whatever comes to mind. So what will it be? Putin? Nyet. Rand Paul? He really went there. The lost jetliner? Tragic for those passengers and their families. March Madness? Too much coverage already. (Go Harvard!)

The conversation at work today about ..... forget it. I'm off work early so I don't want to go there. 

This fast approaching weekend? Elley and I have an unusual day off together Sunday so we're going to Balboa Park to enjoy the inside and outside of San Diego's beautiful museums. Now that's worth anticipating and thinking about. 

My old friend David Turner is off to Albania to work with the Peace Corps and teach English. He's extended an open invitation to his network and I'm encouraging Elley to get her Passport so we can think about going there during the next 2 years. (Check the map it's right next to my favorite place on the planet - Greece!)

In no particular order and definitely mutually exclusive: we've been buying lottery tickets, researching a home purchase in our 55+ neighborhood, talking about the warm summer ahead and the need for more backyard shade, watching The Voice, Vikings, the new Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and The Good Wife. 

I just got back from Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, camping west of Elephant Knees with Dave. Another incredible day in the desert exploring undisturbed Earth formations. How do we know few humans have been there? We found petrified wood. Lot's of it. 

Elley and I rocked out on St. Patty's Day at O'Sullivan's in Carlsbad. The band was excellent and for a few Irish classic riffs we were the only ones jiggin' it on the dance floor.

I still haven't decided what I want to write about today. I think I'll have another rum and coke and think about it.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Good Will Hunting

Early March 2014 is a microcosm of the ongoing events of our lifetime. Swirling around the planet is religious fanaticism, invasion, slavery, and disaster. The hot spots are now the Ukraine, Malaysia, Moldova, and the USA. (See if you can match the words in the second sentence with the countries in the third.)
To stay afloat, Elley and I consume humor daily. Jimmy Fallon entertains us; so do Colbert and Jon Stewart. I enter the NY'er cartoon contest every couple of weeks, my latest is pasted here. is a welcome source of random smiles. 

Hard news is difficult to avoid in the 24/7 onslaught of scroll on our devices. Maintaining a healthy attitude by invoking positivity and keeping it light is a challenge, but a necessity. Lola, our DawgyLama, is our best source of happiness; her unending cuteness and the unconditional love only found in the devotion of a pet. 

I can't let this week go by without commenting on the CPAC meetings. Yes, that was the minority leader of the Senate kicking-off the proceedings brandishing a rifle. The following is a great synopsis of the stupidity and antics of these elephants.

"If we were located in a different part of the world, we might be invading us."      Nation of Change, March 8, 2014
"The Republicans have become a party of radical extremism and oppression. Election stealing? Check. Agenda to keep women second class citizens?Check. Religious lawmakers who reject science and reality? Check. Lying demagogue who will say anything to gain power? Check .....   Nation of Change, March 8, 2014

And there is the ongoing ridiculous, and actually criminal notion, continually floated by the GOP. "Obamacare will destroy the greatest healthcare system in the world." Bullshit! According to the World Health Organization our healthcare system is ranked 37th! 

Click here to watch a video borrowed from the Daily Show. If you are unfamiliar with this reporter, just abide his tongue-in-cheek style and watch this to the end. Note the Fox business reporter offering a solution to poor Americans. "Just stop being poor ...."