Saturday, December 24, 2011


I have been driving since I was 15. Before I had my driver's license, my Mom let me use her brand new 1964 Mustang so she wouldn't have to pick me up at 5:30 after football practice. I parked it next to my Driver Education teacher in the High School parking lot (true story). 

Here is a salute to all my vehicles, spliced between the images from my drive through life.

My journey home continues in 2012 on my yellow brick road.


  1. Very cool but you missed a few!! Buick, Campervan, what about the gold car you had for 5 minutes? I'm sure there are more, haha...

  2. Just my 2 cents! My one and only car I owned was a 1970something Karmen Ghia! Had it during my years in LA (88-94)! Since I live in NYC there is no need for a car!
