Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hocus Pocus

On my final day before returning to work, I am thinking about the past 3 months. I had envisioned my 8 weeks at home going very slowly and thought I would get bored. But I found a good rhythm after awhile and it has turned out to be a very refreshing time of my life. 

I am here to report that I found lots of mental stimulation. The folks that dropped by were my intelligent, worldly, interesting friends: Cathy, Christian, Richard, Darlyn, Russell, Marvin, Dave, Jonathan and Carol. 

Elley and I discovered well written dramas and comedy entertainment in the evenings. We were able to watch the HBO series Bored to Death, Deadwood, and Carnivale, thanks to Tina's generosity. I also read six fun "vacation" books by the likes of McMurtry, Patterson, and Jance.

The absolute highlight of the summer is the ongoing lecture series I am watching, recommended to me by my friend David T. from New England, called "A Brief History of Humankind" available at  

I could really go off about the truth I find in the content of this expose´ For now I will tell you that Professor Harari delivers the same sledge hammer that I have long believed to be the truth about homo sapiens. We are an intolerant and genocidal creature that has, and continues to destroy all living things, and we will ultimately destroy ourselves.

Why does Robby find this so refreshing?  

For 55 years, starting in the 2nd grade when I ran away from school, I have believed that what is being taught at school, at church/temple, and by our parents, is bullshit. Humans manipulate everything so that they do not have to look in the mirror at their true reflection. We have created economies, foods, drugs, religions, laws, and commit unspeakable atrocities, all the while being blind to the very nature of our evilness. 

Maybe there is an outside chance that humans will wake up in the face of the kind of new information in this free online lecture series. Somehow there might be an explosion of awareness and a shift in our course of destruction. 

If enough people hear my Professor'a lecture, weaving the current science, DNA research, and anthropological findings into the new truths about our origins and our nature, could things change? Will 10% of us become informed enough to stop the other 90% from falling over the cliff we have been marching toward since leaving East Africa a million years ago? 

I end my summer at least knowing that I am not alone in my observation about what has really been happening on Earth the past 70,000 years. I go back to work tomorrow being reassured that I have great friends with whom I share the ongoing ride into the unknown. 

You are invited to join us; there is lots of room on the awareness bus.

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