Sunday, June 26, 2011

Current TV

An open letter to the Programming Department of Al Gore's network - Current TV (check your local listings)


So glad Keith Olbermann is back on the air; your Documentary programming is always top notch and it appears you will be expanding and may be interested in an original idea.

Let's build a weekly program on the foundation of 1960-70's concert footage, video of studio recording sessions, and excerpts from music videos to emphasize the lyrics that defined the times. The poets of my generation, their protests, their anger, their prose, their metaphors, and their warnings are very relevant today.

We would also use movie clips that are chosen for the power of messages in specific scenes; with famous and poignant quotes. The meaning of these words will be woven into the conversations on the Show. 

The Show would be hosted by two famous "senior" actors and/or reporters and have elements of "Tuesdays with Morey", "My Dinner with Andre", and "Inside the Actors Studio." Weekly topics will be chosen for current relevance and woven into a fabric of conversation, music, metaphors, and images.

The impact of the words rattling around in my head, remind me of the never ending circle of history. As an observer of the human condition, lyrics and movie quotes highlight the messages and lessons of my life and my generation. There is so much to be remembered and wisdom to be recalled that can help us out of the current maze of the politics, economics, and social issues of today.

Yes, I think you'll like this idea. 
Yes, I would like to participate as a writer on this show. 
Yes, I know 3 other people who could be contributors on a writing team.
Yes, I have suggestions for the commentators.

But you'll have to get back in touch to hear who they are.

Thanks for considering my proposal,

Robby Hoffman


Second open letter to the Programming Dep't of Current TV

Good Morning,

CBS highlighted the Boomer generation this morning, as the oldest of us is turning 65 this year. We still have expectations, but now its about making our later years better.

With 3.4 trillion dollars in buying power, I'm sure you want us to watch your network. The more it feels like you understand us, particularly the liberal, open minded, educated percent of us, the more of us will land on your doorstep, and the advertisers will come flocking.

The idea I shared with you earlier is all about the images, ideas, thoughts, music, and scenes of our life. And by bringing on board the likes of Susan Sarandon, Annette Benning, Dick Cavett, and/or Morley Safer to discuss our concerns, our anger, and our suggestions to navigate the maze, we will relate to the events, news, and politics of today. We want to be reminded how passionate, concerned, and motivated we were yesterday.

Our idea team includes a former radio and TV personality, a former production assistant on independent films from 60's and 70's, and a "mom and pop" entrepreneur from the early days of alternate fuels and soy burgers. We were involved, then raised our kids, and while we watch our grandkids go off to school, we wonder how they will navigate the future and who will be their captains.

We sit around and talk about what went wrong.

We know so many seniors can't believe what is happening and we want a network that invites us to the conversation.

Robby Hoffman

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