Monday, August 8, 2011


I usually have a lot to say about what's happening ..... but the past few weeks have been filled with a cascading series of events that have paralyzed my brain. Then I snapped at work; my temper got the best of me and I lashed out at a friend who has a very different view of the truth about the causes of the discord, financial reality, and the kinds of changes needed on Earth.

But, this weekend was relaxing around the house, as we planned our vacation to Sedona in late August. When we ventured out, we made pretend we were San Diego tourists and wandered around Coronado. This summer has turned into a series of weekend day trips; simply enjoying the beauty of the beaches, villages, cafes, mountains, and weather of SoCal.

Trying to maintain my composure, invest in my relationship, read the books that give me peace and escape, go to movies that take me away to altered states, and making new friends, have all been successful endeavors. Admitting that part of my brain is agitated and that there are serious consequences ahead for the path the world is on, keeps me partially sane. I have written a lot this year and I am taking this moment to acknowledge it has been revealing and healing. It has reconnected me to old acquaintances and has deepened my connection to new friends.

There is a possible book in a file on my laptop and I am wondering if anyone else out there wants to join together and collaborate on the expansion of this project. Zoey works tirelessly on painting, marketing, husbanding, parenting, earning, and supporting his cause. Jud is working on his book, Gabrielle continues to expand Ragananda's reach, and Kayvon is building momentum for Sparksyou.

If you have talent and time; if you paint, write, take photographs, or animate, write a comment below (or send me an email) and let's talk about joining forces to turn lemons into lemonade.

I'd also like to hear how your summer has been. Let's communicate a little more. I fear that Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and text messaging has replaced email as a form of direct communication. It wasn't that long ago that I was lamenting that email had replaced phone calls and letter writing. Sure we have access to more people. Yes, we now know how to find and share photos with old friends, classmates, athletes, and entertainers, but we seem to have less direct communication with everyone.

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