Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Desperately Seeking Intelligent Conversation ..... last night I got together with 3 other guys at a coffee shop and after 2 hours of good conversation, I left feeling as if I had a transfusion. We bantered through a variety of topics, from the possibility that too much technology in our lives is reversing evolution to a discourse on how much fun it would be to re-create a Beatles-like synergy resembling their early years in Germany.

The ease and willingness of four very different people, having in common the ability and desire to listen to intelligent "talking points" allowed for an instant rapport amongst strangers with decent brains sharing insights and opinions. I actually felt myself holding back a tendency to barge in with what amounts to a desire to hear my own voice. The evening flew by and I wanted more. 

At some point the conversation turned to group structure, goals, projects .... it was clear that these 4 random minds showed up to be part of the very thing that was happening. We even launched into how this might be "bottled" and advertised to let others know what is possible. We brainstormed about how like-mindedness helps the flow of conversation ........ Tim, the original organizer of DSIC, pointed out how the gathering last month had 8 people, seemed to have a farther spread of polar opposite opinions, at times some low level tensions, and was therefore different.

My predisposed interest in group dynamics and my 59 years of observing human interaction, has me wanting to be part of a group that can sustain itself. My interest in being part of figuring out what makes some groups stay energized, and has the participants want to come back for more, is greater than my interest in learning some morsel of information that might help us discover the fountain of youth, or whether or not there is a breaking point of population vs. Earth's resources, or whether or not technology is good or bad for parenting. 

For me at the end of the evening, and now reflecting back the morning after, it was mostly about having an enjoyable evening amongst fellow travelers; fellow seekers of intelligent conversation. What I didn't want was a meeting of people with an agenda that includes being right, while considering others to be wrong. What I didn't want was to meet people who are wrapped up in believing that what they have to say deeply matters on all things political and religious. I definitely did not want to meet people who are uncomfortable being politely interrupted in the middle of a thought, nor people who feel they have to intensely defend their position. I got what I wanted.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! What a find - and what fun. Companions for the journey. . . .
