Thursday, May 26, 2011

Round Up the Usual Suspects

Newt Ginrich? What a joke! If you forget this guy's track record and public shame just take a minute to hit the link after the next sentence to reread history. The whole article is interesting, but head on down towards the bottom for a recap about Newt.
What prompted my decision to jump on this topic was this week's results in NY's 26th District? The following 3 sentences lifted from the Hoffington Post sums up the victory by Democrat Kathy Hochul. 
"Imagine a Red Sox fan walking into a Bronx bar on game night and walking out an hour later having convinced the Yankees fans inside to root for the Sox. Pretty unthinkable, right? Well that's essentially what happened yesterday in New York's 26th Congressional District where the Democrat, Kathy Hochul, defeated her Republican opponent, Jane Corwin, in a special election in one of the state's most conservative bastions."
The combined one-two punch of Paul Ryan's Medicare crap and its' outfall and Obama's ballsy decision to kill Bin laden, has shut-up the conservatives temporarily and influenced this election on a grand scale. 
In the wake of months of ridiculous, childish name calling and pickering over the budget solutions in Washington, the national spotlight has been absorbed by devastating weather, tragic loss of life, and now we have to hear the disgusting lies of Casey Anthony's defense team. Nightmares of OJ revisited in their new fabricated story and the family cover-up of innocent Caylee Anthony's brutal death. If you have not heard the defense teams opening statements, you will be horrified at the new version manufactured to create reasonable doubt in the minds of that jury.
The usual suspects, lawyers and politicians, will do and say anything to influence the masses to believe their agenda, earn money, gain fame, take title, and generally litter our landscape with confusion and lies.  The preacher in Oakland who raises money by alarming kids while fabricating doomsday predictions should be humiliated in the town square - publicly shame him.
The yester-year concept of the Scarlet A comes to mind. But somehow in my lifetime public shame no longer means ostracized, ridiculed and society turning its backs for ever on assholes, liars, cheats, etc. Maybe it started in public with the impeachment of Tricky Dick and the infamous photo of him entering the departing plane and turning around with a smile on his face and flashing everyone the two handed V for victory sign. 
The ultimate embarrassment of bankruptcy has turned in to a ploy to wipe out debt. This would have been career ending and shameful not long ago.  Apologies from men caught in sex lies didn't hut Clinton in the long run, and now we have Arnold and John Edwards.  Murders hiring expensive lawyers to confuse juries, and corporations settling out of court to cover claims for death, pollution and the hiding of relevant research facts is normal.
The worst example is the publics' inability to focus on harmful side effects of drugs. Every 60 second commercial abut about prescriptions on TV is filled with all the bad things that could happen if you take that drug. Even though it is right in their face, and even though their Drs' know the potential threat, humans just do not see anything but a potential benefit to making their lives better. So if Newt is your man and you don't care about the dark-side, then send him your donations and vote for him and his the lobby's waiting to take advantage of your ignorance is bliss mentality.

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