Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Never Ending Story

How well do you know yourself? Have you uncovered the unique talent passed to you through your DNA? Did your parents encourage you to express yourself? Were you part of your family conversation? Do you struggle with your self-esteem?   

We're all "wired" differently. Unfortunately, most humans grow to become a person who fits into a square that defines them for life. Instead of a planet filled with 7 billion unique individuals, we have a planet filled with humans defined by their parents, their economics, their country, their religion, and government and corporate institutions. 

The fact that humans don't act on their free will and realize their destiny is a big reason why history repeats itself. This has become Earth's never ending story. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie by the same name, "The NeverEnding Story," take the time to at least read a synopsis. This timeless tale is about the potential disaster caused when "The Nothing" wipes out imagination and creativity. 

I call self-discovery finding your "Q." I have been thinking and writing about "Q" since a day 4 years ago when I met Zoey at work. This Blog is my way of expressing my "Q." 

In the early days of this website, my spirit got ambushed and distracted when Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Tucson. Recently, during a remarkable visit with friends, a revelation appeared in my brain. I know I have found my "Q" and that no matter what triggers the topics I write about, I am expressing my true SELF. 

As a parent, I have always encouraged my son to be confident and to find his passion/mission. Even when he was a toddler, we offered him ideas about an uncovering his individual path. We emphasized that he needed to learn to express himself in whatever ways felt fun, safe, and interesting. *  

In 1990, we recorded "The Never Ending Story" on a VHS tape and for about a year and a half Casey watched a particular scene every morning before school. It is the moment when "Bastian" must learn to "be confident" in order to pass through the gates of "Fantastica," as "The Nothing" has almost completely overwhelmed and destroyed everything. 

We played lots of kids games, too, including Tic-Tac-Toe. Back in those days, I didn't realize that Tic-Tac-Toe can be a negative game in a child's development. After losing a few times, kids learn to focus on blocking the success of their opponent and give up your desire for success. Two years ago, this realization about Tic-Tac-Toe became an integral component of the metamorphosis of my repressed creative spirit.

Out of nowhere, the word X O Q jumped into my brain, and my understanding of life expanded. It dawned on me that if everyone was able to find their "Q," their voice, it would change their vision and open new horizons in their life. I always research words and ideas. When I "Googled" "xoq" I found it is a word in the native Aruban language Papiamento. Xoq means "crossing over." What a revelation and how very synchronistic. As I have mentioned in the past, I love when that happens.

Today I am reminding you to let go of your old stories and don't play games that yield no result. Find your true SELF, be your true SELF, and find inspiration in this wisdom from Steve Jobs:

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

*In 1985, we discovered Ragananda (pictured above.) Through her inspiring creator, Gabrielle, Ragananda and her friends guide and entertain children and their parents with  musical stories and meditations for kids of all ages. 

Check out Ragananda's YouTube Channel - Click Here


  1. I just finished reading Thrive, and as I had not read it yet, I continued on and read The Never Ending Story. I had never heard it called "Q", but am very aware of the quest. Q can be an elusive thing; at times, you feel you have it down. Another time you may feel you've never been near. Humans are complicated. I enjoyed both pieces; fine writing and a good, positive message.
    I just wish that extricating oneself from the detritus was as easy as it sounds here. There are always barriers to be overcome. Sometimes you're up for a fight, sometimes not. Keep up the good work and right thinking.


  2. Q is the key ingredient. When added to good ole X and O you get the game of life and changes of success increase exponentially. And of course it all spells XOQ, which means crossing over.
