Saturday, October 1, 2011


Is it time for Another Beginning? That's where I started to go on December 30, 2010. But I got lost; right at the start of a new maze. I have gone so far off of the intended path that some friends have suggested I take a breath, meditate, and/or get back into yoga. These same friends believe that the self-destructive path of humans is inevitable and cyclical; maybe even written. 

But other friends and family encourage me to be passionate, intense, and yes, even angry about the human condition. This week, two events have crossed into my field of vision that make me proud I have been speaking out. 

#1 - An article at calling for an American Spring.

#2 - The protests at Wall St.

I don't pretend my voice has added to the public debate, but I do know that I had to speak. At one moment in January of this year, my agitation about politics and economics began. I went back and read all of my Blog posts and it is clear that when Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Tucson in January my thoughts and focus turned outside of personal journey. And although I began this week thinking about reversing the content of my writing, an American Spring and a good old fashioned democratic protest sprung out of nowhere.

In the not too distant past, MLK and Nelson Mandela were catalysts for change. They accomplished their goals in different ways, but both sacrificed so much. This is done with deep commitment, unwavering determination, and by not listening to the advise of loved ones who are concerned about the well being of the person willing to express their anger through writing, speeches, marching; basically shouting "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore."

A new inception, Another Beginning (AB), has been my fantasy for 35 years. AB has it's origin as a slogan on my first canvas tote bag. Long before bringing your own bag to the supermarket was the in thing, Berkeley's Richard Register produced this inspiration circa 1976 ....... Alan might still have his? But that's now become another story for next week.

[But that's another story] ..... a cool, fancy way of saying, 
"I could tell you about this, but I won't because it's not really 
that related to what I'm telling you about now." 
Used quite often in the book, "The Neverending Story" ...... 
It's basically one of those phrases that everyone yearns 
to find a good opportunity to say .... 
Urban Dictionary

The mention of "The Never Ending Story" in this definition is incredibly synchronistic. That happens to me a lot. I will be researching one thing and land on a reference that contains elements of what is already percolating in my mind. If you have never read the book or seen the original movie "The Never Ending Story," take the time to at least read a synopsis.  For inspiration, my young son watched part of "The Never Ending Story" every morning before school. We played kids games like Tic-Tac-Toe, but that doesn't build confidence; even a child realizes that with 9 squares and X's and O's, you end up focusing on blocking the success of your opponent. Sounds like Congress doesn't it?

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