Monday, January 10, 2011

Don't Let it Go

The news cycle is keeping the world abreast of the condition of Gabrielle Giffords, the Arizona Representative shot in the head on Saturday. The background information about the shooter and the reasons why he blasted away at 15-20 people on Saturday clearly indicate the themes discussed here under the Heading "Degrees" over the weekend.

By next week at this time, the world will have moved on to another story, from another place, probably just as horrific, sensational, and/or revealing about the condition of humanity. When you see a parent abusing a child, or see a shoplifter stealing merchandise, or witness a accident while driving to work, do you do something about it or just let it go and mind your own business?

What is our motivation? How to we become more concerned? Can 1 out of 7 billion people make a difference? (Thanks to Casey for updating us on the fact that the 7 billion threshold will be reached in 2012.)

The answer is not simple. If we don't specifically react to an event we see on TV, are we just another person that does not care? If we don't confront the shoplifter, does it mean we are afraid? If we drive past an accident that might include injuries are we wisely getting out of the way to allow emergency vehicles through?

It goes beyond who is being the judge of any of these reactions. The question revolves around how are we making a difference somewhere in our circle of life. If enough of the rest of the 7 billion do something positive that impacts things they touch, than it stands to reason that so much more would be right in the world.

Don't let it go. Chose something outside of your SELF to support, help, assist, carry, fund, change, Do something everyday. Be a giver not a taker.

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