Friday, December 7, 2012

We Rob Banks!

I don't really rob banks, but in your early 60's figuring out how to make more cash and planning for the next 5 years is a challenge. I never was a planner, so now I am one of the masses of Baby Boomers realizing I could have set myself up pretty good if I had:

1. Married only once
2. Never sold a house
3. Never sold a stock
4. Never left my first career as a teacher.
5. Paid 5% each check into my pension account


The good news is I have a modest lifestyle, have company medical insurance, paid ten years into social security, haven't fallen into credit card debt, don't have a taste for toys, traveled a bit when I was younger, and my bucket list is short and affordable.

If I had to look for a job today it would be stressful. My resume is a hodge-podge of interesting, but short-term work/learning experiences in a variety of fields. My skill set is huge, my education top-notch, but I have no corporate background (not that a corporation would hire a 61 year old bald guy for a job as Program Director, Project Manager, Executive Assistant or whatever.)

I wouldn't take a sales job, bartender hours are too late into the evening, cold calling is not my thing, and even though I still have my CA Real estate license, the thought of sitting hours at open houses for other agents or taking shifts in an office waiting for walk-ins is mind numbing. And did I mention that "phone-mining" for prospects has never been my thing!

So what would I do if John Q. Customer at Home Depot got under my skin one day and I just couldn't take it anymore. If I lost my cool, flew off the handle, told him to get a life and get over his issue with his malfunctioning toilet handle, and I got fired ...... what kind of job would I look/pray for?

I'd probably comb Craigslist for non-profit admin jobs, sales coaching jobs at Garage Door companies (I actually turned one of those down when I first arrived in Oceanside), or really take a flyer and invest all my time and thousands of dollars of 0% credit card money in my children's book series "Uncle XOQ."

Maybe robbing a bank once would tide me over.

BTW .... did you see the teen on You Tube who robbed the bank and bragged about it in a home video. Americans - you got to love their lack of intelligence.

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