Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy Trails to You, Until We Meet Again

I have decided to let go of the current march toward 70 days of journaling. My poem yesterday, Lost and Found, is a fitting Mantra that I will be referring to during the next 6 weeks. It reflects the energy I am invoking at this plateau.

June 1st is as good a day as any to report that I will begin anew at some point in July with a countdown of my feelings about my open heart surgery. As you may already know, it has been delayed until July 15th, due to the allergic reaction I had to the iodine contrast dye they used in my angiogram.

I used to end emails with the salutation Happy Trails because I have fond memories of the song from "The Roy Rogers Show" in the 1950's (happy trail now has a new meaning in the Urban dictionary). Click on the song title in the sentence above and you will be transported to a clip I found online. It is a soothing reminder of days of yore.

There is a little housekeeping I'd like to do here before I sign off. Elley and I just completed watching all 3 seasons of Deadwood on HBO. Since I got onto a cowboy theme here, it is fitting to note that we thoroughly enjoyed the writing, directing, and most of all the acting in this recounting of the true story of Deadwood, South Dakota. I recommend this series to anyone who likes intense drama and anything about the "old West" of America's history. Yes, the language is disgusting, but it is a true to life reflection of those very harsh times.

A special thanks to Tina for giving us access to HBOgo and for planning the dinner party we're having tonight at The Spaghetti Factory in San Marcos with our Home Depot friends. The gathering was originally intended to be a launching pad for my 8 weeks leave of absence, but now we'll focus on celebrating the end of a great era at our store with the departure of our fearless leader David Yee.

In closing, I cannot leave a Post that has a western theme without including a photo of Elley's father Tommy Farrell, a true cowboy who appeared in many westerns on TV and in the movies. Here is a toast and a tip of the hat to the man who always makes Elley smile everytime she thinks about him. 

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