Monday, January 3, 2011


Another Beginning - the opportunity to bounce back. But bankruptcy is a soft cushion that prevents you from hitting rock bottom. Unable to pay back debt will result in loosing assets, but in a world of second chances, there is a powerful OZ willing to bail you out while protecting some of what is left.

But what happened to accountability. It wasn't always this way; survival of the fittest is the natural order of things. Being tossed from the tribe because of bad behavior, left to wander the wilderness on your own was the norm in much earlier, native times.

When did it change? Why is the bail out the answer? There has been a shift and it's a mystery. Consider it to be the mystery of "xoq" - you remember the out of the "box" thinking - turning the word 180 degrees - the other side of the coin (see recent post0.

What is XOQ? It is a microcosm of the conversation about the origin of humans, language, and Earth. No one has traced the precise roots of XOQ, however many people have a firm, yet factually shaky and contradictory belief in a XOQ story. XOQ seems to be very personal. You make a connection to XOQ through your identity and sense of pride about your culture, religion, language, and/or myths.  Your XOQ will certainly be shaped by who you are and where you come from.

XOQ is Universal. That is the truth. XOQ may be the reality that we share the desire to understand our world, our own belief systems, and the universal issues of being human. Why are we here? What is our destiny?

XOQ can build a bridge to Another Beginning.  XOQ is Anonymous. There is only one language on Earth where the word XOQ appears. It means "cross over" in Papiamento, the native language of Aruba. Crossing over to Another Beginning. Bankruptcy.

XOQ is also found in some software code strings. Do you know the explanation of it's usage in computer language?

XOQ is Simple. XOQ seems to lie dormant in everyone, waiting for rediscovery. Was XOQ found in a cave painting in Nepal? Did Jacques Cousteau find XOQ carved in stone deep in the ocean? Do whales "clicking" sounds translate to XOQ. Have NASA expeditions found evidence of XOQ symbols on the Moon and Mars?

XOQ is in your DNA. Return here soon to see the images of XOQ in the "Double Helix" structure?   DNA contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. Like the metamorphosis, the transformation is built into the butterfly's cocoon miracle.

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