Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bay Area

MLK had the balls to stand up for what he believed in and lost his life because certain elements of society did not want to hear his message anymore. As a firm believer in "conspiracy" theories and having lived through the times when JFK and Bobbie were gunned down, and then eventually John Lennon met his fate at the hands of a "deranged" guy, I cannot help but be reminded this week of these similar assisnations.

It cannot pass by these pages that these days the people that stir the pot of hate so much brazenly get air time to deny their influence. You doth protest too much.

But as my dear love reminds me, lets focus on happier things. Celebrating and recognizing the life and ideals of MLK is what this weekend is all about, and none does it better than Rhythmic Concepts, Inc. in Oakland. I did not intend to get so personal or shout out names of people I know on this page, thinking for the last month I would have this site be anonymous to a certain degree, therefore allowing this work to have a broader appeal and reach (I will always try and avoid having new humans arriving here feel they are left out of some inner circle of wink wink kind of messages) ....... but here is an exception.

Stacey Hoffman, my sister, has nurtured, labored, and steadily developed and overseen a conscious and artistic masterpiece in her MLK Tributes, alongside her and projects. I am sooooo proud.

So Landrus and I are off to the Bay Area to visit, volunteer, raise a glass, and be part of the best accomplishments in my family. I don't have a lot of time today, but wanted to go on record while referring back to earlier posts that mention getting involved and trying to give back and endeavoring to make a difference. I offer my sister as the #1 prime example of a woman who since the early 1980's has modestly raised money, awareness, and devoted her time to her passion, while providing leadership, instruction, and opportunity for humans of all ages to participate in the joys of the Arts. Music and dance, voices and instruments, raising spirits and the "hair on your neck" with resounding heart and soul, while celebrating the best of our species. AMEN!

his message t

1 comment:

  1. What a generous acknowledgment! Hope it's a great MLK weekend. . .
