Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is the Premise?

After years of looking around the Web for places to go every morning over a cup of coffee to read interesting, creative content that is not overly political or drum beating religious, that swings through hot topics, is current yet stable, refreshing, edgy, different and includes fascinating twists on reality, I have looked in the mirror and seen the future.

OK - I got a little carried away there. People have been telling me for years I should write more and recently my son mentioned a friends success on the Web of building a Blog based on her writing skills and unusual slant on life. 

In 2010 my goal was to write a book, and with the encouragement of 2 particular friends, I finished a rough draft of ONE of 7 billion. While we wait for the art to be completed (the book is in children's book format but is written for all ages), the fact that sometime in the next 16 months the human population of Earth reaches 7 billion seems significant and worthy of mention in the context of what do we know, where are we headed, what have we learned, what have we forgotten, who are we following, why are we going there, etc. ????

Since moving to SoCal in 2004, I had a great experience in Borrego Springs because of the eclectic people people out there participating in all kinds of community based, non-profit projects in the Arts, Healthcare, and Education. The quality, commitment and intention of the folks in small town America (and Borrego was not the first time I experienced this having lived on Whidbey Island in Washington state and in Sedona, AZ) is very different than the people in suburban SoCal.

My resume includes the non-profit start-up Hospice of Central Arizona, as Director I brought Special Olympics of Santa Cruz County to the mainstream of Santa Cruz awareness, and I have started three for-profit businesses in construction, alternative energy, and online Life Coaching. At 59, I thought it would be efficient to join with other leaders to manifest giving back to my community. 

I have encountered and briefly joined forces with 2 "pied piper" characters since moving full-time to North San Diego County.  Although these guys may have great intentions, their lack of skills for organization, their scattered brains, their inability to be completely honest with themselves and therefore others regarding what is truly going on for them, while separating their fantasies from the truth about the process it takes to build a team that will band together to take on a cause that is just, made it impossible for me to continue. A lot can be said about me and I am far from the best model of consistency, but I do stay true to basic beliefs about integrity, accountability, communication, and focus. 

So I have launched and my plan is to write about what is on my mind, influenced by what I see today, what I experienced yesterday, and what I foresee for tomorrow. I hope to get others on board and I know our identity will unfold organically. But as a farmer knows all to well, planting the seed is only the first step; you must get sunshine, water, fertilizer, and hoe away the weeds that want to invade the young seedlings growth. With patience there will be a harvest.

I have now worked in Retail for 7 years. I think I have a decent idea of what makes people tick, what they live for, and why they do what they do. I see how many different cultures live in America, the huge disparity between levels of education and what I call worldliness. I am fascinated by the connection we have on a molecular, DNA level, and I wonder about humans ability to successfully be the dominant animal on this planet. When you consider the millions (billions?) of years that this planet has sustained some kind of life forms, humans have only dominated for a few "seconds" of that span and it seems as if we are destined to destroy ourselves because of core instincts gone awry, fear/greed, love/hate, etc.

Take a moment and leave a comment below. I invite you to come back daily for a peak into the mind of XOQ.

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