Sunday, January 2, 2011

Virtual Exam

Why not start 2011 with a deeper, detailed look at the inner workings of processing the ins and outs of the delay intake and outflow? This can be done in a CTscan at your local hospital or can be observed through a long snake with camera, flashlight and cutter all in one. Wouldn't it be great to be able to take the same tool, insert it into a port in the back of your TV and do a seek and destroy mission on the warts, palops, and tumors on FOX Noise?

Cleansing every now and again is good for the mind, body and spirit. Mother Earth takes care of it even though humans try to build barracades, foundation bolts, cliff nets, and have recently discovered defensible perimeter landscaping all to no ultimate effect against the forces that be. Why not just be smart enough not to settle in tornado alley, California canyons, or flood plains? But there we go again assuming humans might use their brain instead of there passion for ego while invoking their desire to conquer everything in their path in the name of the lord. (See end of paragraph one for the ingredients to cleansing that aspect of our brethren.)

The folly of avoiding the inevitable was so eloquently scripted by the writers of Gene Roddenberry's vision quest when they penciled in the Borg and reminded us that "resistance is futile." ONE's attempt at life, growing up, learning at school, home and play, will spill from these pages during 2011.

If you follow along (or maybe tune in at a later date and pick up where we left off) you might relate to the experience since we all travel the same path with variations on the themes. Much of it will be doled out in the form of sound bites that are simple, wise quotes, mostly from the Anonymous source that seems to be so all pervasive in our library of accessible information. I will address my theories and fascinations about what we remember and pass down through the generations that is unattributable but profoundly slams against of consciousness with a loud "DUH!"

I am particularly fond of this: ""Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know better" Anonymous

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