Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Trail of a Good Human

Dances with Wolves scrolled by last evening reminding watchers that there have been some very admirable cultures and societies on Earth (choosing to dwell on the natives today not the rape and pillagers).

Writers have conjured and dreamed of possible future and/alien peoples; Roddenberry's Federation and Cameron's Navi are prime examples.

Share with us your knowledge of nations, subcultures, societies, or tribes that exist today you believe resemble, or maybe a better word is exemplify, the attributes of community, respect, awareness, politics, spirituality, etc.

Being 1 of 7 Billion is an overwhelming concept. There is no single way to cope with this mind pending reality, but there are many ways to make your time on Earth meaningful. Despite being a minuscule piece of the puzzle, without you the puzzle is incomplete. How do you walk and then leave behind the "trail of of a good human"?

There is a dichotomy to existence; life is simultaneously simple and complex; one struggles with feelings about being abnormal. One realizes along the way that striving to produce positive outcomes is accomplished by practicing the art of making thoughtful choices. The path to understanding and harmony is as basic as choosing to view life as a series of actions and consequences. There is a "Knowing."

"Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock."                                 from a Native American Prayer

One is.
One tries.
One gets overwhelmed.
One observes.
One has moments of clarity.
One moves forward.

To build the community center, many skills are needed.
The team has planners, diggers, nailers, decorators.
Joining the effort creates an atmosphere of togetherness.

Realizing that alone one can observe, reflect, shift, transform,
But now it is time to create, work with others; trust and support.
One realizes that the evolution of me reaches a point of aloneness.

Sharing my growth may start out like bumper cars and teacups,
But eventually it transitions to four seats across, strapped in,
On the roller coaster together, leaning into the turns.

Adjusting, compromising, finding the reward together.
It is about learning to manage the swirl of emotions,
Rebooting when necessary to allow for errors.

Winds change, so when the sails catch a gust,
Be flexible, aware, present and shift as a crew.
Direction is ever changing, intention stays the same.

Mistakes will occur, so apply patience and understanding.
The individual gets stronger with support and teaching.
Stumbling is still a forward movement when others help you up.

"When one sits in the Hoop of the People, one must be responsible because all of Creation is related. And the hurt of one is the hurt of all, and the honor of one is the honor of all. And whatever we do affects everything in the universe."                       Lakota Indian teaching

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